Anthony Rutowicz
Governor, Serpent, Ensemble
Anthony is somewhere in the middle. Neither the beginning nor the end. Thanks to Ron, Beth, Sally, Mark, Simone and all the other revolving players that keep the OTE ship afloat, which also includes YOU, program peruser. This is the third play for Anthony at the OTE. The Hairy Ape (2016) reset the bar, being a fly on the wall in SteamBath (2018) further developed Anthony’s patience and/or lack thereof & now The Serpent in 2020 has afforded Anthony what every actor truly really wants in life: to simply ‘be a tree.’ A special thanks to my loves back at home for allowing papa to go act a fool for a bunch of strangers in a dark room, to the ones who brought me into this life, the love & support, much obliged and to the cast, thanks for playing. (Keep tabs @anthonyrutowicz)