Hélène Bouboulis

Hélène Bouboulis started ballet around the age of 2 or 3 in Paris with a very kind teacher, Eva Arato, a Hungarian principal and refugee from Budapest. She was also taught by Natasha Siolkowa, a student of Olga Preobrajenska, Liubov Egorova and Boris Kniazeff. She grew up practicing barre au sol and learning the technique taught by Marius Petipa in Imperial Russia. She also had teachers teaching the French style  and more modern style like Adolfo Andrade. She danced on and off for a decade with a small group :”La poésie des Pointes” (Poetry of Pointe). Then she had a twenty-eight year hiatus, started again ten years ago and had the privilege of being taught by Joan Bayley.