Maurice Attais


Maurice Attias’s directing career goes back 50 years, and includes productions at the Théâtre Marie Stuart, Théâtre du Lierre, Théâtre de l’Athénée and Théâtre de la Main d’or in Paris; Théâtre du Huitième and Théâtre des Célestins in Lyon; Théâtre de Limoges; and Théâtre du Chêne Noir in Avignon, just to name a few. He has directed plays by Paul Claudel, George Bataille, Eugene Ionesco, Luigi Pirandello, Bertolt Brecht, Shakespeare, and a production, in Spanish, of Les Nègres by Jean Genêt at the National Theater of Chile in Santiago. He directed a production of Bizet’s Carmen for the Seoul Opera in South Korea. He wrote and directed La ManifestiVe: 100 Ans… et c’est pas fini!, an outdoor spectacle featuring over 180 actors and musicians that performed for over 4500 spectators in celebration of the CGT labor union in Limoges. Attias’s relationship with L.A.’s Odyssey Theatre Ensemble goes back to 1984, when he was honored with the “Villa Médicis Hors les Murs” scholarship that enabled a four-month stay in Los Angeles and an observership with Odyssey artistic director Ron Sossi, who was directing David Mamet’s Edmond for the Olympic Arts Festival. In 1987, Attias returned to the Odyssey to direct a critically-acclaimed production of Hunger and Thirst by Ionesco. In 1998, Attias was tapped to head the theater department of the Conservatoire à Rayonnement in Rouen, where he remained as Director until 2020 while continuing to direct professionally at both the Théâtre des 2 Rives and the Chapelle Saint Louis in Rouen.