LOST MIND is a narrative dance film exploration of the psyche by director, writer, and choreographer Sara Silkin. The film recounts her inability to identify her father’s mental illness throughout her life. With her powerful application of surrealist movement imagery, she recreates the emotional physical highs experienced during a manic episode, followed by the endless spirals of depression caused by bipolar disorder.
Dancers: Hyosun Choi & JM Rodriguez
Narrator: Lori Dorfman
Producer: L.A. Contemporary Dance Company
Director & Choreographer: Sara Silkin
Song: Patrick Watson
DP: Iain Trimble
AC: Joe Ashi
Editor: Kevin Tadge
Colorist: New Gate Films
Costumes: Kelsey Vidic
Poster: Youthana Yuos
Filmed in 2020 as a part of LACDC’s Fall Commissions