We’ll Be Back!

February 20, 2021

In spite of the great ordeal that 2020 has presented to most of us, we at the Odyssey are chomping at the bit to get back into action, creating for you the best of LA theatre work. 

Thanks to a PPP Small Business Association grant last May and to the generosity of our Board, subscribers and donors we’re caring for our spaces, big and small. From revamping the theatres, putting in hardwood floors rather than carpeting, painting, improving dressing rooms and greenroom, we want to provide as much comfort and care to make your experience as safe as possible.

I’d like to thank all our artists whose work was side-lined in March 2020 for their patience and understanding and our staff, some of whom have been volunteering, doing lots of play readings, writing of grants and strategizing provocative new productions.

Of course our plans for reopening are very much in flux, as we all continue to adapt our lives to the pandemic. But we expect to be back, as soon as it is safe, with a roar of creativity and stubbornness. 

 I do hope that you all survived these last many months with spirit, health and aplomb. All of us here at the Odyssey miss you and will be very excited to see you in the flesh once again!

Ron Sossi