IN CIRCLES – A note of solidarity from David Schweizer

June 8, 2020

Now, in this suspended state where GATHERINGS have become dangerous to our health, us theater-makers are ESPECIALLY CHERISHING memories of recent work which had a special impact on audiences. “IN CIRCLES” the musical by GERTRUDE STEIN and AL CARMINES from fifty years ago that I directed for the Odyssey Theatre in 2019 was a fresh, magical dialogue between words and music and logic and absurdity which somehow also succeeded in telling a story of how MAGICAL EMOTIONS can sustain us. All of us who created the project together ADORED working on it. And now, and for a long time to come, it WILL SUSTAIN US. —David Schweizer

Cast members include Henry Arber, Jacque Lynn Colton, Shelby Corley,
Ashlee Dutson, Kenneth J. Grimes, Kyle G. Fuller,
Chloe Haven, Aaron Jung, P.T. Mahoney. Musical director Kenneth J. Grimes.